Poodle breeder Cyprus map
Do you want to buy a Poodle in Cyprus? Use this map to find Poodle breeders in Cyprus and the surrounding area. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by postcode.
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- Majesty Cyprus
- Toy poodle L’Âme Du Dahlia
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I love my poodle because,
…he is so intelligent and capable of learning.
…he is such a loyal companion.
…his curly coat texture is simply cute.
…he is so playful and cheerful.
…he forms such a good bond with me.
The Poodle is an amazing breed of dog with a combination of intelligence, loyalty, cuteness, playfulness and a strong bond with its owner. Their curly hair and cheerful personality make them a distinctive companion that is always ready for fun and love. Their ability to learn quickly and bond closely with their owners makes them a perfect family dog. A poodle is not just a pet, but a true friend to share unforgettable moments with. My love for my poodle grows every day because he brings so much joy and love into my life.
Other names and spellings for poodles
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The poodle is also known as the poodle: Barboncino, Caniche, Flerfarvet Pudel, dværg, Flerfarvet Pudel, mellem, Flerfarvet Pudel, stor, Flerfarvet Pudel, toy, Grosspudel, Harlekijnpoedel, Kleinpudel, Königspudel, Koningspoedel, Medium Poodle, Miniature Poodle, Miniature Poodles, Miniature Poodles black and brown, Mittelpudel, Poedel, Poedel – Franse poedel, Poodle, Poodle – medium, size and standard, Poodle – miniature, toy, standart, Poodle (miniature ant toy), Poodle (Miniature, Toy, Standard), Poodle (Standard), Poodle (Standard, Toy), Poodle (toy), Poodle toy-dwarf, Pudel, dværg, Pudel, mellem, Pudel, stor, Pudel, toy, Standard & Miniature Poodles, Standard Poodle, Toy Pudel, Toy/Miniature Poodle, Toypudel, Toy-Pudel, Zwergpudel.
Poodle breeder lists
Poodle breeders in Great Britain
Poodle breeder in the Netherlands
Poodle breeders in Switzerland
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