This page is also available on Mastín Español hodowcy i szczenięta w Polska
Mastín Español breeder Poland- Map
Do you want to buy a Mastín Español in Poland? On this map you will find Mastín Español breeders in Poland and surroundings. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by postcode.
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Mastín Español breeders in Poland
- De Oro Mastines ZKwP in Drochlin, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Beatrikolandia ZKwP in Łódź, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Pastor Amigable ZKwP in Gdynia, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Spiritus Silvam ZKwP in Szudziałowo, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Portespania ZKwP
- Lu Dareva ZKwP in Zielona Góra, województwo lubuskie
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I love my Mastín Español because,
…he is so loyal and faithful.
…he always protects and defends me.
…he is so gentle and patient.
…he has a big heart and is very loving.
…he is simply a beautiful dog who touches my soul.
The Mastín Español is a fascinating dog with an impressive size and majestic charisma. Its calmness and composure radiate an unshakeable security that immediately casts a spell over you. This breed is characterised by its extraordinary loyalty and devotion, making it an indispensable companion and protector. The Mastín Español is not just a dog, but a true member of the family that will win the hearts of its owners with its affectionate nature and strong bond. Once you have experienced the warmth and affection of a Mastín Español, you will fall in love with this unique breed forever.
Other names and spellings for Mastín Español
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Mastín Español is also known as: Mastif hiszpański, Mastín aus León (mastín leonés), Mastín der Extremadura (mastín extremeño), Mastín der Mancha (mastín manchego), Mastin Espanol, Mastín Español de campo y trabajo, Mastín Extremeño, Mastín Ganadero, Mastín Leonés, Mastino Spagnolo, Matin espagnol, Mâtin Espagnol, Spanischer Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff.
Mastín Español breeder lists
Overview of all Mastín Español breeders
Mastín Español breeders in France
Mastín Español breeders in Italy
Mastín Español breeders in the Netherlands
Mastín Español breeders in Poland
Register as a Mastín Español breeder for free
Are you a Mastín Español breeder yourself and would like to be added to this free list?
Here you can register as a breeder free of charge – There are no costs for you: neither now nor in the future.
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