This page is also available on Ogar bawarski hodowcy i szczenięta w Polska
Bavarian Mountain Hound Breeder Poland- Map
Do you want to buy a Bavarian Mountain Hound in Poland? Use this map to find Bavarian Mountain Hound breeders in Poland and the surrounding area. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by postcode.
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Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Poland
- Z Klanu Posokowców ZKwP in Wilkowiecko, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Z Zamkowych Stawów ZKwP in Świętoszówka, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Baja Red Kampinos ZKwP in Warszawa, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Znad Strugi Golanieckiej ZKwP in Gołańcz, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Z Mrozowej Woli ZKwP in Warszawa, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Szalona Zgraja ZKwP in Gliwice, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Huculska Dolina ZKwP in Wojewo, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Meu Fado ZKwP in Rokietnica, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Sfora Nordowskej Kneji ZKwP in Kębłowo, powiat poznański, województwo wielkopolskie
- Le Bleu Cardinalis in 11-034 Olsztyn, Allenstein, powiat olsztyński, województwo warmińsko-mazurskie
- Z Grodziska Mazowieckiego ZKwP in 17-315 Mazowiecka, powiat siemiatycki, województwo podlaskie
- Sfora Nemroda ZKwP in 47-364 Strzeleczki, powiat krapkowicki,
- Posokowce Bawarskie in 72-006 Mierzyn, Szczecin, powiat policki, województwo zachodniopomorskie
- Le Corne Royale ZKwP in 84-207 Bojano, Gdynia, powiat wejherowski, województwo pomorskie
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I love my Bavarian Mountain Hound because,
…he is loyal and faithful.
…he is an excellent hunting dog.
…he builds a strong bond with his family.
…he is intelligent and willing to learn.
…he has an excellent sense of smell.
The Bavarian Mountain Hound is a fascinating dog that impresses with its loyalty, hunting skills, family bond, intelligence and keen sense of smell. His loyal and faithful qualities make him a great companion who is always by his family’s side. His abilities as a hunting dog are impressive and show his origins as a working dog. The close bond he forms with his family makes him a loving and caring dog. His intelligence and willingness to learn enable effective training and ensure good communication between man and dog. His exceptional sense of smell makes him an excellent tracker, which is indispensable in hunting and rescue operations. All in all, the Bavarian Mountain Hound is a versatile and lovable dog that wins the hearts of its owners with its positive characteristics.
Other names and spellings for the Bavarian Mountain Hound
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Bayerischer Gebirgsschweißhund is also known as: Bavarian Mountain Hound, Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound, Bavarian Mountain Scenthound, Bayersk Bjergschweisshund, Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund, Chien de Rouge de Baviere, Chien de Rouge de Bavière, Posokowiec bawarski, Segugio da Montagna Bavarese.
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder lists
Overview page of all Bavarian Mountain Hound breeders
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Denmark
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeders in Germany
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in France
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Ireland
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Italy
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Latvia
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in the Netherlands
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Austria
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Poland
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Russia
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Switzerland
Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder in Slovakia
Register as a Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder free of charge
Are you a Bavarian Mountain Hound breeder yourself and would like to be included in this free list?
Here you can register as a breeder free of charge – There are no costs for you: neither now nor in the future.
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