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Chihuahua breeder Netherlands- Map
Want to buy a Chihuahua in the Netherlands? On this map you will find Chihuahua breeders in the Netherlands and surroundings. Click on the icon to get more information about the breeder.
Note: The positions do not show the exact position of the breeder, but only the position by postcode.
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Chihuahua breeder in Drenthe

Drenthe breeders list
- Solihull Chihuahua’s in 7904 Ah Hoogeveen, Hardenberg, Drenthe
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Chihuahua breeder in Flevoland

Breeders list Flevoland
Unfortunately no breeder for Flevoland yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!
Chihuahua breeder in Friesland

Breeders list Friesland
- von Flackland in 8401 Dw Gorredijk, Heerenveen, Friesland
- Van De Kleine Geer in 8432 Pn Haule, Assen, Friesland
- Chihuahuakennel Van Nova Trinde in 8481 Ja Nijetrijne, De Fryske Marren, Friesland
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Chihuahua breeder in Gelderland

Breeders list Gelderland
- Van De Geerlande in 4151 Mn Acquoy, West Betuwe, Gelderland
- La Dama De Rosa in 4181 AE Mc Den Haag, West Betuwe, Gelderland
- An’s Angels in 6678 Bz Oosterhout, Nijmegen (Nijmegen), Gelderland
- Clear My Angels in 6741 Jp Luntere, Veenendaal, Gelderland
- Nederlandse Chihuahua Club in 6741 Jp Luntere, Veenendaal, Gelderland
- Bonita Chihuahua in 6741 Hm Lunteren, Veenendaal, Gelderland
- Wambuischi’s in 7204 Nm Zutphen, Deventer, Gelderland
- from My Chihuahua Friends in 7205 Bv Zutphen, Deventer, Gelderland
- from The Kelly Familie in 7331 He Apeldoorn, Ede, Gelderland
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Chihuahua breeder in Groningen

Breeders list Groningen
- Chihuahua The Little Mexican’s in 9723 Bt Groningen, Midden-Groningen, Groningen
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Chihuahua breeder in Limburg

Breeders list Limburg
- Beyond Beautiful in 6191 Va Beek, Maasmechelen, Limburg
- Diente De Plata in 6336 Tb Hulsberg, Heerlen, Limburg
- Dutch Angels Chihuahuas in 6374 Xr Landgraaf, Heerlen, Limburg
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Chihuahua breeder in North Brabant

Breeders list North Brabant
- Buzzy Bee in 238881 Sg Tilburg, Oosterhout, North Brabant
- Kristy’s Pride in 4761 Nd Zevenbergen, Breda, North Brabant
- Circle of Life in 5087 Tp Diessen, Tilburg, North Brabant
- Du Bon Ton in 5144 Rb Waalwijk, Altena, North Brabant
- Van Het Matinihofje in 5213 Gj Den Bosch, Meierijstad, North Brabant
- Catch My Bliss in 5351 Sr Berghem, Oss, North Brabant
- Van Vlerckensteyn in 5556 Vk Valkenswaard, Pelt, North Brabant
- Madurodogs in 5595 Ab Leende, Eindhoven, North Brabant
- Queen of Lightning EGCN in 5627RH Eindhoven, Helmond, North Brabant
- Chihuahuastars in 5845 BD Bd Sankt Anthonis, Land van Cuijk, North Brabant
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Chihuahua breeder in North Holland

Breeders list North Holland
- Van Chiwanda in 1433 Lr Kudelstaart, Amstelveen, North Holland
- Chihuahua Nuevo Comienzo in 1761 Cl Anna Paulowna, The Helder, North Holland
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Chihuahua breeder in Overijssel

Breeders list Overijssel
Sorry, no breeder for Overijssel yet. Are you a breeder? You can register here for free!
Chihuahua breeder in South Holland

Breeders list South Holland
- from The Vistavo in 2182 Wb Hillegom, Haarlemmermeer, South Holland
- Van Rozensteyn in 2351 Ax Leiderdorp, Suffering, South Holland
- Me Milagro in 2377 Ve Oude Wetering, Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland
- Chihuahuakennel Memilagro in 2377 Ve Oude Wetering, Alphen aan den Rijn, South Holland
- Del Locha Poka in 2517 At Den Haag, Rijswijk, South Holland
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Chihuahua breeder in Utrecht

Breeders list Utrecht
- Perra Pequina in 3641 Te Mijdrecht, Stichtse Vecht, Utrecht
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Chihuahua breeder in Zeeland

Breeders list Zeeland
- Bright Alba Chihuahuakennel in 4531Eb Terneuzen, Evergem, Zeeland
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I love my Chihuahua because,
…he always makes me laugh.
…he is so cuddly and loves to cuddle.
…he is so faithful and loyal.
…he is simply sweet and cute.
…he always makes me happy.
A Chihuahua can have so many positive qualities that its owner simply has to love! These little dogs radiate an endless energy and zest for life that is infectious. Despite their size, Chihuahuas have a big heart and are always attentive and protective. They are brave, playful and show their owners unconditional love. With their big googly eyes and funny nature, they always manage to inspire and delight those around them. A life with a Chihuahua is full of adventure, love and joy!
Other names and spellings for Chihuahua
To make this page easier to find, we also list other spellings and translations here.
The Chihuahua is also known as: Chi, Chihuahua (Kurzhaar), Chihuahua (Langhaar), Chihuahua długowłosy, Chihuahua krótkowłosy, Chihuahua kurzhaariger Schlag, Chihuahua langhaariger Schlag, Chihuahua Pelo Corto, Chihuahua Pelo Lungo, Chihuahua, korthåret, Chihuahua, langhåret, Chihuahueño, Chiwawa, Techichi.
Chihuahua breeder lists
Overview page of all Chihuahua breeders
Chihuahua breeders in the Czech Republic
Chihuahua breeders in Great Britain
Chihuahua breeder in Lithuania
Chihuahua breeders in Switzerland
Chihuahua breeders in the Netherlands
Chihuahua breeder in the Ukraine
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